Satanism In The Vatican! (thanks crazy people) - It is difficult to find ALOD's in public internet cafes, so my entire stategy to find this one was to search "vatican satan" and then click the results until I found the one with the most font changes within one paragraph. Here some of the crazy stuff you can read on the site I picked:

The Catholic religion often calls herself the "Mother Church." She's NOT the mother of Christ's church! By calling herself "mother" she is telling on herself. She is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev. 17:5)! Notice the Catholic religion calls herself a woman. The Bible calls Catholicism a whore, and what a GREAT WHORE she is—committing spiritual fornication with the kings and rulers of the earth (nearly every king throughout history has had some type of political, economic or religious ties with the Vatican). Read about how Nazi Germany and the Vatican worked together to murder millions of innocent Jews in the holocaust! Read The Vatican's Holocaust. She's DRUNKEN with the blood of the saints. Study the Inquisitions—the torture and killing of tens-of-millions of people. Oh, even the antichrist is naked in light of God's word.

Enjoy! Satan! In the Vat! Ican!

– Joseph "Maxnmona" Fink

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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