NEWS FOR 9-29-2000: 9-29-2000: 1:59 am: PC Rave has revviewed a wacky looking joystick.
MICROSWITCH SI SUCKS!!! USE LUNIX!!! 9-29-2000: 1:59 am: There si a companey who wants too hire l33t HaX0rs too works for them and maybe I'll try out!!!
I went ovar to Jerry's house after school tooday and I used my haX0ring skills too finds weaknesses in his cabal modam hes using as a Quaek 2 servar for our new clan "DeaTHWiNGeR". hear they are:
SEE YUO IN TEH UK! 9-29-2000: 1:45 am: PS: ABIT SI A WONDARFUL COMPANEY FULL OF VARY NICE HEROES!!! AND YUO SHOULD BUY ABIT PARTS LIEK WHATEVAR THEY MAKE STEERING WHEELS OR SOMETHIGN I GUESS!!! 9-29-2000: 1:36 am: Hear si an artical about "a CDR and DVD drive": ops, hear si teh link too it.
it also has pritty pictares of teh box on teh guy's deck!!! hahaa! NICE PICTARES, Publo PicASSo! 9-29-2000: 1:33 am: NDivia News has writtan an artical about "GamePC Barebones Reviews" and hear some of it is::
Thes si a good artical (I didant reads it yet tho) but who cares about his kids?!? "wah my kids palay Halg Life and I wants too plays Barbie Fashian Desinar wah we need more RAM in our RED HAT" just review teh stuped compoutars and stop babeling about yuor kids, Melontree!!!! 9-29-2000: 1:27 am: Look at thes fantastec emale I got:
HAHA, AOL + HARDCOP = MARRAGE MAED IN HEAVAN!!!! stuped fool, I have got boots that seeks too smashes yuor a face of you!!! hahahahaaaaa!!! thanks for takeing time out of yuor bussey scedule of useing yuor head as a beanbag too write me emale! 9-29-2000: 1:24 am: yuo know, I was sitting on teh toilet and I suddenley saiys, "JEFF K, what this worald needs si MORE ARTICALS ABOUT MOTHERBORDS!!!!" and then my dreams were completed with this new article from I forget who somebody stuped probly.
Forgets John Cramack intarviews, MORTHERBOARD MAKAR INTARVIEWS ROCK ME TOO JUPITAR!/! 9-29-2000: 1:21 am: oh goodie, coverage of geek wars 2000!!!
Oh HOORAY, pictares of ideots sitting down and MOVING TEH MOUSE!!! WOW!!! thank yuo Boomgames for such excitement if I didant eat grapfruits for dinnar I would say, "I CAN BARELY KEEP DOWN MY DINNAR BECUASE OF ALL TEH EXCITEMENTS!!! makes sure its "up too teh minute" becuase I can't bare too miss one second of soem fagot moving his mouse and selecting a menu button! 9-29-2000: 1:19 am: I gots thes emale from some wierdos
i think it IS STINKS!!! sends me teh full versian becuase I dont haev TIEM TOO PLAYS AROUND WITH YUOR CORRIDORE 7 SHAREWARE GAMES, LAUNCHPAD MCQUACK!!! dont bug me. 9-29-2000: 1:17 am: tooday I wents too teh store and baught GRAPEFRUIT!!!!!!!! I LOVE GRABEFRUITS!!! NEWS FOR 9-28-2000:! 9-28-2000: 1:55 pm: OH JOY ALERTERON.ORG HAS ANOTHAR ARTICAL ABOUT REVIEWING MOTHERBOREDs, WHAT A WONDERFUL THING!!! I COULD READ ABOUT MOTHERBORDS ALL DAY!!!
WAH! who in there right mind reads all thes moatherbord crap?! theres been liek 50 motherbored reviews tooday!!! who cares?!? 9-28-2000: 1:47 pm: I saw on teh Sugarsnack that Tribes 2 has been delayed so they coulds release more stuped screnshots evary day. YEAH I WANT MORE TRIBES 2 SCRREENSHORTS BECUASE I CANT GET ENOUGH!!! PLES SENDS MORE TOO MORE NEWS SIETS# all they do at that companey si spend all day takeing screenshots no wondar its going too be late/ 9-28-2000: 1:42 pm: oh hoorey, anothar motherboared review, there arent enough of those tooday!!! 3DSportlight looks at teh MSI 1337 i812 Pro bored.
YES!!! LETS!!!! 9-28-2000: 1:38 pm: theres bar graphs showing all kinds of crazzey numbars over at Tech Report for video cards.
looks liek Voodoo5 looses again!!! SORRY 3DFX but thats what yuo get for hiring BRIAN BURKE! 9-28-2000: 1:36 pm: Oh no, Dell si haX0ring there own computars!!!
FREE KEVIN MITNACK!! 9-28-2000: 10:20 am: soem wierdo sent me news that his turkish siet reviewed an Asus mortherboard but I cant read that crap so Im not posteing teh link so go write it in English or soemthing AND WHILE YUOR AT IT SEND ME A NEW COMPUTAR!!!! 9-28-2000: 10:17 am: there are soem a review of POLK SPEAKARS on Boom Gaems! although speakars arent games so wtf they review them I don't know mayeb theyve already palayed Rollar Costar Buffon and need soemthing else to writes about/
HAHA GRANDMA DOSENT USE TEH INTARNET!!! she uses pills too keep her from dieing. stuped Boomgames. 9-28-2000: 10:14 am: Dalanatech has a review of a Crisco 3500 Switch!!! Some network thing I guess.
BUT DOSE IT RUN QUAEK3?!?!??! 9-28-2000: 10:14 am: I WOKE UP!!!!!. 9-28-2000: 1:25 am: I am going too sleep becuase their si no news too report now but when I wake up thered bettar be news in my emale box becuase I dont want too haev too go to othar siets too reports it so remembar too sends yuor news too me goodnight! PS: I will maek a funney update with wackey news sometimes tomorrow liek all teh othar funny webmiesters!!! and yuo will laugh and I will maek a foram too yuo can post on about my paeg. PS: i made teh forams already yuo can post on them HEAR. 9-28-2000: 1:19 am: Eric Bowing from ABIT was vary nice and says hes sending me a ABIT BX133 RAID MOTHARBOARED too review! HE si vary nice and a vary nice companey!!! now I needs a CPU too puts in it and RAM! and a harded drive! and a Joystick! and a monitar and all that othar crap! so if yuo can sends me that stuff PLES EMALE ME and when i review write my review I will promote yuo aND put yuor links on my left bar like ABIT!!!!!!!!!1 so ples emale me with yuor crap so i can reviews it! THAT MEANS YUO, PETIUM AND AMD AND WHOEVAR MAEKS RAM AND HARDED DRIVES AND MODEAMS AND MONITARS AND JOYSTICKS AND MOUSES but not mousepads becuase only flyheads are dumb enough to review mousepads!!!!!! 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: THardCOP has a review of a ABit BX133 RAID moatherbored! yuo can reads teh review hear, hear si a clip from it:"
I KNOW WHAT ALL THOSE WORDS MEAN and I WANT A RAD BOARD TOO! HEY ABIT GET OFF YUOR BUTTS AND EMALE ME A NEW MORTHERBOARD!!!! i will review it! and it will be bettar than HardCROP which si run by KYLE who si a notorious menace!!! so hradocp bettar post news on there site that I posted news about their siet or i will use my powars of media influence to DESTORY THEM!!!! hAW HAW!1 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Thiers some pictares of teh NDivia GTS 2 GeForche 2 Ulatra GX 3D Balastar BMX at "TBrake" Wow, yuor some kind of zany fellow if yuo want too looks at pictares of a video cards! "OOH LOOK, IT SI A PICTARE OF A CARD WHICH SHOWS PICTARES OF VIDEO CARDS ON MY MONITAR! WOW!" peopal who want too see this probaly are CONVICTS!!!!1 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Gaem Loft Uck has reviewed a MOUSEPAD. HOW DUMB CAN YUO GET?!?
AWARD WINNING JORNALISM for sure!!! tell me ples, GAEM LOFT UCK, dose teh mousepad lay on yuor tabal or dose it do nutty tricks?!? WHO KNOWS! reviewing a mousepad is dumb, watch me review my hat!. 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Teh Tech Zone has a price list of all kinds of crazzey stuff to put in yuor computar liek Ram or joysticks or whatevar. hear's a sampal:
9-28-2000: 1:01 am: EETimes says they will maek teh Intarnet fastar by scanning your computar with lassers.
PS: I got thes news from witch si a site for fat bald men that wear Star Track t-shirts!!! HAHAH!!! theyd bettar link too me. YUOVE BEEN JEFF Ked!!! 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Amanda Tech (she si smartest 15 year old girl too evar run a website!) has made a Guide too Buying High Ending Computars Systams with much informatian that si valuble and helpful!
Haha, RAM-BUS, thats a funny joek! I hoep that if I print enough news from AmandaTech she will goes out on a date with me!!!! i would emale her and ask but she probaly lievs far away liek in Otah! 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Woddy's Windowz Watch has says that Micorosotf has made a vary bad qualiety product with teh new MNS Exploarer! It lets yuo spam yuor parents and school with spame and malixcious code!!!
I copied teh wrong sectian but who cares MS si sucks anyway/ 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Hort Hardwear has reveeiwed teh MS-6337 motharboard,. I didant reads it because MICOROSFOT SI SUCKS!!! Bill Gates si vampire man who wants too sucks blood from Lunix!!! so dont read it!!! BURN MICROSOFRT! 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: their are new Voodoo 4 / 4.5 / 5 drivars out if yuo use a Voodoo card liek I saids mayeb yuo should use them but mayeb not becuase you already haev drivars and why do yuo needs new ones?!? I dont know mayeb your some kind of computar dork and yuo needs a brake from palaying Zork all night I guess! 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Tweek 3D has an review of teh GeFork 2 Leadteck WinFast FagotCard MX. I didant reads it but mayeb yuor dumb and want too. 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: Tehcnoyard (which sounds liek Mad Max movie!! I think!!!) has a "Ultiamte Quake IIIA Video Card Slowdown" and it covars which cards yuo should buy to palay Quake 3. they are vary trickey peopal and write two words per paeg so yuo haev to go to teh next page and give them lots of bannar ad hits. Here si all it says on page 2:
Thats all! THANKS FOR TEH INFORMATIAN jerks I dont needs a new video card anyway so they can go launch themselfes into space!!!!!!. 9-28-2000: 1:01 am: CPU Reveiewer has an artical about "SLOTA TBIRD 700 REVIEW". I dont know wtf that crazzey stuff si about but its probly good let me copy and pastes soemthing from it:
this means Petium = bettar because I dont know wtf that crazzey stuff means and Petium maeks teh Worald Wide Web fastar on yuor computar GO COUGARS!!! 9-28-2000 : 1:01 am: 3D SPOTLIGT has a vary informatative guide on HOW TOO Tweaking Yuor systam mammory. They cover vital apsects liek:
and much more it si vary good for getting teh most out of yuor machene!
Thes si teh colamn I will put hardwear articals and advertissers on . if yuo wants too advertise on my siet, ples emale me. ples sends me hardware too revewe too!!! emale me here: hear si a link to my hoempage witch has even more qualiety jornalism and award winning articals! |
copywright 2000 (c) JEFF K!!!! dont steals my paeg1