By JEFF K!!! at so is TEH ARTWORK!!! |
Red Alart 2 is teh sequell to "Red Alart 1" which was also about teh Nazis. In thes game Albert Edison has invented a Time Machene too go back in time and invent teh time machene before anybodey else could invent it. But liek in that one Twilight Zone episode, when yuo travel back in time, yuo can mess stuff up!!! and Albert Edison messed stuff up so in Worald War I, instead of teh Americans winning, teh Germans won! And then the red tide swept across the worald!!! In Red Alert 1 yuo had too shots teh Russiens with GUNS! In Red Alart 2 yuo have to shots teh Russiens with more guns and its liek Red Alart 1 except there are new units to palay and differant things to point! Hear is teh plot: Aftar Red Alart 1 the AMamricans put "Alex Romonox" into powar as teh head Russian! But was he happy being a pupett? NO! He wanted to conquar teh worald with his Nazi Suparmen!!! So he got a mind control car from a great menace named Euri and they began conquest! THE RED MENANCE~ so yuo have too fight back and destroy teh RED TIDE before it destroys the AMERICAN!!! PS: The russiens also took over Texas and thats good becuase Texans need to have robots with missales shoved up there butts anyways (texans are the worst evar). There are maney new
units too palay with. Here are some of teh Alied units:
there are also new tanks and machenes to attack with too: