A GLANCE: I really
love clans. My favorite
thing about clans is the
fact that I'm not in
one. Well I am part
of 133tc0wZ, but it is
only for Linux Half-Life
and I don't own either
Linux or Half-Life.
I'm in the clan to be
able to tell people "sorry
I'm already in a clan"
when they ask me if I'd
like to join the one they
and their 14 year old
brother just started (which
happens more often then
one might expect for someone
as clumsy and unskilled
as me).
Alert reader Drew B. pointed
me in the direction of
an appropriately dismal
web page for "The
Static Clan",
which is comprised of
what I believe to be the
mutant offspring from
a cannibal family of inbred,
six-toed hermits living
in the hills of North
Virginia who just happen
to have a LAN set up in
their communal hut. Between
forays into the woods
to abduct and devour unsuspecting
hikers on the Appalachian
Trail, they have managed
to find the time to create
some clan skins, record
clan "training demos",
and produce two totally
5up4r 133t official clan
maps to play their games
in -- handily provided
for download in the raw,
uncompressed .bsp file
format from their server
powered by a rat running
on a wheel in a cage.
though Drew recommended
the epic "Static.bsp"
as the reason d'ertre
for my visit, it is the
nostalgically titled "Wolf3dq2ii.bsp"
that I have decided to
savage, since it played
on my memories for Wolf3d
(and instead delivered
a warm puddle of digital
hamster vomit).
There is no documentation
provided with the map.
The map is not even archived
-- you just download the
.bsp, load it into your
Quake 2 directory,
and stick a thumb up your
ass. It's actually a shame
that the lunkhead who
posted the map chose to
do so without any author
documentation, because
a record of "Static
Southpaw's" (or whomever
is the Frankenstein responsible
for this monster) demented
intentions might help
explain his enigmatic
ahhh ... ohh fuckit
just click on the
pic to see a larger
version of the stupid
Goddamn blue walls.
MAP: I guess the resemblance
to Wolf3d is based
upon the fact that the
map is essentially on
one flat plain level with
no variance in architectural
styles. There are walls
sectioning off various
rooms or chambers that
serve as hallways, and
indeed it is so simplistically
laid out that I actually
had a pretty decent game
with the finicky Eraser
Bots, who jumped right
in without me even having
to create any routes.
Now while that is a plus
on the outside, what it
means is that the map
is just a bunch of boxes
made out of a really large
box by slapping brushes
up here and there to partition
off the spaces. My only
thought after running
it for a few games is
that the members of this
clan are either completely
lame and inept at shooting
while having to negotiate
such treacherous terrain
as stairs or doors, or
they have absolutely no
imagination as to what
makes up an interesting
map to play in (and just
like to run around and
shoot each other like
twerps). So what I am
left to conclude is that
the Godless cretin who
made this thing decided
to call it "wolf3dqii"
implying that it is "simple
and pathetic" just
like Wolf3d was
to the author, and that
just fills me with rage.
certainly doesn't resemble
any Wolf or DOOM2
/ Wolf level I have
ever seen except in the
most superficial of manners,
the most notable being
the areas saturated with
the deep musky "fuck-me-Smurf"
blue. It sort of makes
the walls resemble the
good old Wolfie blue brick
textures, but how does
that explain the areas
saturated with the pizza
grease vomit neon red
or the bad acid trip glowing
urine-yellow sections?
The majority of the file
size of the map is simply
gobs and gobs of colored
light entities; one room
is so entirely bathed
in neon red that it gives
the impression of being
stuck in a toaster oven
set on "broil."
Something tells me that
if the author had simply
lit the map with plain
stupid, boring, old "real-world"
white light, I might actually
dismiss its elementary
school simplistic design,
stultifying claustrophobic
atmosphere, and random
item placement as just
another dumb little fast-frag
deathmatch level. But
Actually not that bad,
provided you have at least
5 (if not 6 - 8) players.
Bots do well because the
map was designed for and
by brainless idiots. It
should prove quite popular,
FACTOR: Look, I like
to play Quake.
If you put me in an empty
box and make me fight
with just blasters against
a boss monster I could
be happy. If you think
of this as one of those
"just shut your brain
off and shoot at everything"
type maps it will do just
BOTTOM LINE: Now before
you start composing your
flame mail stating what
a dumb prick I am and
this map isn't so bad,
I state unequivocally
myself that the
map isn't so bad.
The question is, can I
fault the map for being
a hollow exercise in providing
people with the bare minimum
of requisites to engender
simplistic, brain dead
combat in a confining,
claustrophobically over
lit atmosphere, and named
in such a way that it
exploits ones nostalgic
affection for a classic
game now regarded by the
ignorant as "quaint"?
For an amusing and actually
quite competently made
little Quake2 homage to
Wolfenstiein, click
here to download the
wonderful little DM only
partial conversion by
Neto, 1.3mb.)
for the People!!