of a sudden I find
myself transported
back to graduate school
and the painting critique
of Mike, the dumbest
fucking moron who
ever picked up a brush.
A GLANCE: Is this one
for real? Head honcho Cranky
Steve pointed this map out
to me in what can only be
judged as an attempt to trigger
art school painting critique
flashbacks. It succeeded in
doing just that, in that I
have no idea what compelled
the map author to create this
monstrosity, and by natural
compulsion, I am required
to make comments on it. The
best analogy I can make is
that its like playing Quake
in a jungle gym that was decorated
by a 3rd rate Miro knockoff.
It is a confounding anomaly
in level design and reminded
me of why I stopped painting
- color kills.
Reads more like an "artists
statement" from some pompous,
snotty second year painting
I started this map, I
wanted to create something
weird. I dont want to
do another barroque hell
castle or space map, but
I dont have enough experience
with Q-Radiant to create
the cool outdoors eviroments
I used to do in Half-Life
so I decided to do somthing
WIERD. I'll get a lot
of flames from the 7337
mature kids that dont
play anything unless it's
brown or gray, My map
has more colors than all
the Mario games combined.
People: Quake IS more
mature than Mario, but
that doesn't mean the
people who play it are..
HAHA! Shut up and play
whatever you want."
I would like to play are
the author's dried bones
like a xylophone in an "Itchy
and Scratchy" cartoon.
MAP: The map is a competently
constructed building / thing
which has some interesting
jump pad shafts, a central
area with a decent enough
little frogpond / battle
basin thing, and it is actually
about the right size for
a nice small game of Quake.
This is probably the most
ridiculous looking map that
I can remember playing in
since the glory days of
the Simpsons TC for
DOOM; it is profoundly
silly. The author went out
of his / her / its way to
meticulously design a series
of custom textures that
recall the worst of meaningless
abstract pop painting (though
the floor is a missing texture
black and white grid: whatever).
I mean, I can sort of see
what the author is getting
at when he urges people
to remember that Quake
doesn't have to be dingy
brown and gray... but happy
neon blue and glowing pastel
lavender and grinning happy
yellow smiley faces? Are
we supposed to be playing
inside of Timothy Leary's
Lego set?
colors and happy forms fail
to elicit one important
reaction within me: the
desire to kill. They make
me want to be carefree,
sing something from Yellow
Submarine and maybe
fuck a Smurf. One little
picture looks to be either
an homage to the Cacodemon
from DOOM or a representation
of a giant grinning zit
with an eye growing in the
middle of its face. The
jump pad textures have been
substituted with wiggly
sperm-like bimorphic forms
or yellow happy smilies.
Huge eyes gawk out at you
from the middle of globular,
neon half faces. I can see
the Mario Brothers
connection in the sense
that the map is an improbable,
cartoonish collection of
shapes and boxes in which
you pop around like a chipmunk
and hunt for magic bananas
or whatever the hell you
did in Mario Brothers.
The big, colorful, abstract
forms plastered on the walls
only reinforce this impression,
and I think by being so
happy and fuzzy they actually
serve to make the map more
perverse and tasteless.
It's kind of like going
on a shooting rampage in
a Romper Room that was designed
by the Teletubbies; is that
really a good idea for a
game level?
we see a well lubed
shaft with a wiggly
sperm waiting at the
bottom to infect you
with one disease or
make matters worse, the
various shafts and nooks
and crannies are pulsating
with migraine inducing gobs
of effervescent neon pastel
light. If you pop up the
jump shafts, you are propelled
through an entire spectrum
of colors. Red and purple
lights smear the walls,
bad-acid-trip neon yellow
and electric goober / snot
greens ooze out of the air
like mist. Items hang half
seen, suspended in the gloom,
accessible only by the goggling
jump pads. "SPRAM (not Spam)"
has elected to use the colored
lights like a brush and
diffuse the map with more
colors per binary foot than
the entire last tier from
the Quake 3 game,
and it gluts up the file
size far more than is justifiable;
the goofy goggle eyed textures
were enough. The lights
are just overkill.
You see, here's the big
shame: the map is actually
quite playable. It's just
so ridiculous that I had
to pick on it.
FACTOR: "Yes".
maps' author himself foreboded,
I'm sure that this review
will generate some discord
in that, as I concede, the
map isn't that badly made
and engenders an offhand,
comic style that is certainly
unique amongst Quake
levels. I've seen worse
and I'm sure I'll see stuff
that will make this look
like a masterpiece; it is
a silly, gaudy, headache-producing
monstrosity and will no
doubt be a big hit on the
Cranky Steve Quake3
server - if it ever gets
for the People!!