Talk To The Semi Automatic Turban! Questions To Get Away...
"Who is The Semi Automatic Turban"? The Answer is Anyone with the dreams of a child! Please stop the ask or throats run dry... "What Language Are The Music for Us Not of Homeland"? Language is what you hear and what you feel so why have need for a significant answer to ruin the experience? Why must you drop ill favor on the laps of freedom and beuty? "What is Homeland"? Homeland is where you born and where ants eat body once die or flesh rubberize in sun for vultures. Where the wife is or a merrylady. Where ever varies depending on you. Ask a nearbyer or office as children dreams have no place on the map saying where you are or how far you go to get a leak. "Why Is Your Music a Ill Listen Make Sad"? No, you are the problem. Do not blame elsewhere. I am not happy with that question and will not stand for fight you in alley you do not eat curry if you not ready to pay seller proper due for snake charm? So why would you consider other wise if we not have a permanent hut in country of home? This is AMERICA and you are not right. You scumbag. Still Waining? If not satisfied you can message send us a message but not neccesarily dignifiy your pleadings with response! Only the true get message of personal dignity. Don't count your bushels! [Albums] [Fan Fun] [Talk Me] |