Anyone who is familiar with
Cranky Steve's Haunted Whorehouse
has encountered AEon's work
at one time or another. With
such triumphs in his portfolio
as "AECtf", "AEShake" and
the unforgettable "AEon's
Cyber Arena" for Quake 2,
one knows that they can expect
no less than gobs of total
shit from this drug crazed
axe murdering Quake level
making Zombie, and he has
delivered the goods once again
with another hideously over-designed
hunk of binary crap to glut
your greedy drives.
AEon map can be distinguished
from any other game level
(well, most of them) by
one phrase: SHIT EVERYWHERE.
He is the King of the "Kitchen
Sink" approach to game level
design: add at least two
of EVERYTHING. He also has
this almost "baroque" style
of laying down brush after
brush over brush to create
layers of crap that lie
over one another in such
a way that Quake 3 can not
draw the architecture efficiently,
creating little pockets
of dizziness inducing lag
here and there built right
into the map. Some spots
even make the whole game
"freeze up" for a second
or two, which allows you
to collect your thoughts
for a moment but makes your
ass prime target to anyone
who isn't frozen up and
stumbles upon you floating
in midair. Maybe that's
one of those "equalizer"
features that puts everybody
at equal risk regardless
of skill level or ping.
In any event, it is a prime
indication of a shitty Quake
level, something that AEon
excels at.
One need only read AEon's
map description in his info
.txt to start to get worried
about this one: "Quake
III Arena - DM Map in gothic
style. Cathedral Arena,
lots of Lava, Bi-Pyramids,
Lava-Fall, Pool, "Secret"-Room,
The Tube, The Columns, The
Dungeons...Map has distinct
Quake(I)ish feel to it."
If this is in the "Gothic"
style of my beloved Classic
Quake than I need to have
some teeth pulled and my
tonsils yanked out by their
roots. "Gothic" to me inspires
visions of creepy Oger and
Vore infested castles with
vaulted underlit chambers
where death and mutilation
await. This map looks like
a warm puddle of purple
and orange tinted hamster
vomit and made me laugh
out loud when I first saw
MAP: I cannot begin
to explain the "style" of
this map, because it does
not represent anything I
have ever seen except for
another AEon Quake level.
I say it again -- shit is
everywhere. The items are
strewn ad nauseum throughout
the various twisting over
designed corridors connecting
these large oddly detailed
rooms, all of which seem
to have lava floors over
which is laid a grid of
blue textured blocks. The
result is a truly nauseating
and completely improbably
color scheme that will very
quickly produce a headache
in even the most ardent
Quake player. Indeed there
really doesn't seem to be
a "color scheme"; AEon more
or less just selected a
couple of textures he found
convenient to use and employed
them over and over and over
again as if he were in a
trance. He used them to
create huge diamond shaped
structures that serve no
use except to clog up your
Rspeeds. He created rooms
with dozens of nooks and
crannies that serve no purpose
other than to hold the dozens
of extra items that he added
for no particular reason
except to pump up the file
size of the map. He created
passageway after passageway
of lava filled tubes of
shit that are constructed
so that you don't touch
the lava ... WHAT'S THE
point seems to be to create
an "anti-lava" aesthetic
that he touched at in "AEon's
Cyber Arena" for Quake 2,
where he created huge rooms
with lava you don't come
in contact with, but that
still gunk up the frame
rates via the unwarranted
animation needed by their
inclusion. AEon stubbornly
creates miles and miles
of these lava/grid corridors
this time out and the result
boggles my mind. There are
even gridded corridors overlapping
the gridded corridors so
that sometimes one is not
sure exactly what they are
looking at when peering
down. In the days that it
must have taken to align
all that stuff he could
have been in valuable psychiatric
therapy sessions to help
cure him of his schizophrenia,
or at least putting his
intellect to better use
by flipping bacon burgers
at Wendy's and making minimum
wage to boot. I mean, you
almost have to marvel at
how much time he put into
this map, and at the same
time feel really sad that
he couldn't come up with
something that doesn't play
like such a fucking three
legged donkey. He can obviously
align brushes OK, why couldn't
he think of anything worthwhile
to do with that ability
instead of masturbating
with one hand and composing
this level with the other?
There are structures that
serve no purpose at all,
or serve a purpose that
makes no architectural sense
... my favorite example
is the "overflowing lava
dam" in one of the open-aired
segments. Why is it there?
Obnoxiously, just to confuse
and annoy us -- there is
no way in hell to get at
the item spinning on top
of it (which resembles the
Gauntlet, if I am not mistaken,
something every player ALREADY
HAS). There are also this
forest of what he refers
to as "bi-pyramid" forms
(let's avoid Freudian interpretations
of that while the kids are
up, please) stuck in the
middle of certain rooms,
and I cannot fathom for
the life of me just what
they are supposed to resemble.
Whatever they are, I pray
that I never encounter the
like ever again.
purpose of this structure
is one of "AEon Arena"'s
many enigmas.
any low quality crap game
level, AEArena helps to
point out one of the regrettable
"gimmicks" built into the
game that moron map editors
should be forbidden to use,
and here we are given a
mind numbing look at the
ways that an idiot can employ
the jump pad. Jump pads
made me nervous when I first
encountered them in Q3Test,
mostly because I could smell
the abuse of them by the
sweaty trembling hands of
crack-addled cranks like
AEon months in advance.
I saw shit like this coming,
but it sill makes my liver
twitch when I encounter
it no matter how well prepared
I think I am for bounce
pad overkill. AEon has included
so many fucking goddamn
jump pads in the map that
his motivations come into
question -- what was he
trying to prove? Was he
trying to outdo Q3DM16/The
Bouncy Map? That level is
hilarious because of the
bounce pad overkill, but
AEon's efforts here are
just plain silly. Almost
every major room/cavern/lava
chamber in the map has at
least 4 jump pads that spring
you in various seemingly
random directions. Items
hang suspended in mid air
and can only be reached
by flinging yourself onto
a pad and being propelled
through the air like a flying
squirrel. One truly mesmerizing
piece of real estate is
comprised entirely of jump
pads (I counted 8 of them),
lava, and twisting girder-like
brushes, the sum of which
is a confusing mess to figure
out what exactly it does
before you plop into the
fire. And I am especially
suspicious of the Quad damage
that hangs in midair over
one particularly crappy
looking "outdoors" section
... its presence seems to
be an act of desperation
to justify the jump pads
that spit you at it. So
pathetically unnecessary
Not only is there the built
in lag (I am running a 400mhz
machine with 192mb of RAM
and 16mb VRAM with a Rage
128 card and it was chunkier
than frozen peanut butter)
but there is absolutely
no way to get around the
map without scrambling down
what seem to be miles and
miles of AEon's trademark
"grid over lava" hallways.
AEon has apparently gone
to great lengths to exclude
such useful devices as teleports
to help one get around in
an attempt to encourage
your Quake model to shed
a few pounds. And the hallways
all look more or less the
same, which means a lot
of doubling back after you
lose yourself and confusedly
stumble into the same rooms
over and over again. Indeed,
I had to switch to bots
when examining the map due
to my roommate abruptly
exiting the test game in
disgust after downloading
its bloated 3.5mb of binary
feces from my server, which
can be visualized by the
recreated game chat below:
entered the Game
yo are you in the game?
Splifford: this map
is l33t
look at all of the lava
Splifford: lava is
even longer pause)
Splifford: yo where
are you?
I am in the room of 1,000
jump pads
Splifford: where
is that?
yo I'm out of here
Splifford disconnected
FACTOR: Well, as hideous
and God awful and unnecessary
as it is, I was actually
entertained when I finally
got down to a serious botmatch
and screenshot session.
Some of it is downright
funny, like AEon's name
written in blocks floating
on the lava down in one
obscure corner shrouded
in yellow fog. But let's
be clear and say that I
was entertained in the way
that one gets pleasure out
of watching a car wreck
or one of those "Worst Football
Injuries Ever Caught On
Tape" videos.
certainly be my pleasure
to pull this one on some
of the smart-asses who play
on my server and whine about
how I ought to host Q3f
(though I must be sure to
warn Splifford) if only
to make them realize how
many fucked up lame ass
Quake levels are out there
and to be thankful that
they might not have to suffer
through another one ever
again if they just shut
the fuck up
for the People!!