A GLANCE: Most mapmakers
I am familiar with start out
a game level with some kind
of "vision" that they realize
via a map editor. The best
mapmakers allow the intuitive
action of making the map guide
the evolution of the level,
often modifying their vision
as they go based upon what
the editor is capable of versus
what they had in mind. And
the worst dogmatically follow
a set pattern, rigidly constraining
their expression to fit their
preconceived expectations.
It is easy to make a shitty
Quake level.
I do Quoteth:
idea of this map is a gameplay
design I have been thinking
about for a while. I created
this map to get an idea
of what Q3 editing is all
about. The map isn't going
to win any beauty awards
but the gameplay is very
exciting with 2-4 players.
Play it online or even play
it with some bots. The grappling
hook has been included in
this map but it obviously
wasn't finished for the
game. Anyway, the grappling
hook makes a nice twist
and adds some fun to the
sorry, even the hook can
help this lemon. And as
far as a "gameplay
design" (whatever the
hell that means), I have
more fun negotiating my
way thru my dentist's office.
MAP: Not content to
take some time and experiment
with what Quake 3 can do,
snickerslapped together
this abomination without
any respect for the possibilities
of the game's engine. The
map is essentially a huge
room with a claustrophobic
layer of fog obscuring a
small maze plunked down
in the middle of it. On
the sides high up on the
walls there are catwalks
with items placed haphazardly
on them, and there is a
shaft in the middle of the
floor leading down to a
foggy tunnel that leads
to a jump pad that spits
you out onto a Quad platform
if you manage to spin just
right while flying. Overall,
the map reminds me of a
DOOM level with a jump pad,
but without the class and
charm of DOOM's simplicity.
It is one of the most pitiful
excuses of a Quake map I
have ever played. Someone
ought to confiscate Snicker's
Q3Radient before he unleashes
more of this crap on us.
stated in the map description,
Snicker has attempted to
spice up the game play by
including a couple of grapple
hook entities to let players
access his ingenious catwalks
that are just platforms
sticking out of the walls.
I detest the grapple hook
-- playing Quake 2 CTF would
almost classify as "fun"
if it were not for the inclusion
of the fucking grapple hook,
and many a good Quake player
I have hosted on my server
promptly degenerate into
what I kindly refer to as
"grapple monkey butt-bangers"
whenever I end up in a CTF
game with them. The inclusion
of a grapple hook in a Quake
3 level can lead to only
one thing: unscrupulous
players camping out in some
high out of the way nook
and railing people who are
stupid enough to play the
game without such a faggy
aid. Fortunately, Snicker
has thoughtfully cloaked
the lower confines of the
map with a thick, gooey,
buttery shroud of orange
fog to seemingly discourage
such actions.
fucking bot was down
here during the entire
hate "maze" levels. Hate
hate HATE. I hated the mazes
in DOOM. I hated the mazes
in DOOM2. I don't remember
too many mazes in Quake
or Quake2, but I have seen
a lot of stupid hackneyed
Quake maps for all three
games that rely on the maze
configuration to try and
conjure up the old "Ooops!
There you are! POW!" angle
of gaming that just isn't
any fun in the first place.
CONUNDRUM doesn't have much
of a maze, but it is a foggy
and poorly lit maze (the
bulk of the lights supplied
by prefab torches with very
forlorn looking skeletons
propped up against them)
and that pisses me off even
more. Another thing about
mazes is that they inspire
authors to put aside the
possibilities of the 3d
engine known on this planet
as "Quake" and instead retreat
to the safe confines of
fake 3d engine game design
and keep things on one even
level. And no, the platforms
stuck to the walls don't
count. Neither does the
stupid tunnel
the addition of the tunnel
(or "Bot Butthole Alley,
as I like to call it) seems
to be nothing more than
an attempt to deny the fact
that the author has essentially
designed an inferior DOOM
style level with annoying
fog and a jump pad. One
falls down through a square
unadorned hole in the middle
of the maze and falls straight
down into a murky underlit
passage whose texture I
cannot dare to guess at
... one proceeds down the
passage and steps onto a
jump pad that hurls you
up any number of times until
you maneuver yourself to
land on one of the catwalks
stuck in the wall overlooking
the maze. While that may
sound like fun, what the
apparatus does in botmatch
mode is to furnish the bots
something to camp in and
indeed during my two "test
games" the majority of the
action considered solely
of cleaning the bots out
of the fucking tunnel. I'm
not even sure what item
was down there to make them
decide that was THE place
to be in this map because
every time I went down there
one of the damn things was
waiting for me with the
fucking Quad. I usually
consider the inclusion of
bot support in a Q3 map
to be a benefit no matter
how poorly it was made,
but in this instance the
result is truly annoying.
BOTTOM LINE: I usually
keep some of the "Crankiest"
of the maps I find around
to purposefully annoy some
of the people who join on
my Quake server, but I think
I am going to spare them
with this one and urge you
to avoid it.
for the People!!