NEW INTARVIEW! - SCOTT WARNAR OF BLACK AISLE (THEY MADES FALOUT AND BALDARS GATE AND ARE MAKEING ICEWINDY DALE) i am makeing lots of gaeming man friends becuase my siet is populare!!!!!!! now I haev intarviewed Scott Warnar of Black Isle, he si makeing role palaying gaems and something called "Windy DALE", wjhich is dungons and Dragins (I haevnt heard of that gaem either, I think it si liek Final Fantatsy). so I gots scott to do an intarview and we talked about Cyclopses and role playing and good things. HE was a nice guy, much bettar than Charlie Weedhopper and the undesirabal Cliffy B (I WONT put up links to thier intarviews beucase I dont liek them), but then Scott turned out too be a jerk to at teh end, so I guess all computar men are jerks maeybe. BUT NOT ME, i am a gaem reportar and I have savoire faire! -BY JEFF K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEFF K: no, i was kickboxing LEGEND JEFF K: i was muscaley aAmerican superhero Paul Steeve Scott: you should have been George the Animal Steele JEFF K: POW POW yuo go die now Mayor Pedros Scott: Are you using a 1200 baud modem? JEFF K: NO, 15.7 JEFF K: overlcoked Scott: WOOOSH! JEFF K: So what maeks yuo want too make Windy Dale?? Scott: I worked on Torment, which uses the same engine as Windy, so they asked me to work on it and i say YEAAH JEFF K: Whats si Windy Deale about??? i know cyclopes, so that si vary good, but what else? Scott: It's an old-school dungeon crawl game using the Infinity engine, so it's like updating some of the old games we dug. JEFF K: oh liek "Mazes and Monstars"? Tom Hanks was in taht Scott: hahahahaa JEFF K: he thougt he was a monstar and died JEFF K: it was stupid JEFF K: I hope yuor game isant liek that Scott: And then somebody probably sued him JEFF K: yeah, dose yuor game maek kids think theyr dragons and jump off bildings? JEFF K: Dungons and Dragons dose that, Kernal Grossman says so JEFF K: "I AM KERNAL GROSMAN, AND EVERYTHING MAEKS YUO DIE" Scott: Unfortunately, yes. We are here to pervert the minds of young children everywhere. JEFF K: oh, thwen i dont want to palay yuor game unless it has vary good monstars Scott: Our monstars are vary good Scott: WE HAVE CYCLOPES!
JEFF K: YES I KNOW YUO HAVE TOLD ME ALREADY JEFF K: Dose it, or are they all stupid trols and ogars and slime and elves and meat? Scott: Ummm, we have Ettins, Lizard Men, Elementals... is that good enough? JEFF K: Lizards mens are in Evarquest, i would playa that, but I dont haev enough moneys too buy a charactar from EBAY