Dark Forums

An unbridled, woman-hating hellhole which, appropirately enough, is decorated to look like a 12-year-old boy's first Geocities homepage.

Thanks for the lovely welcome, you all seem so nice!

Genital part? I'd buy that for a dollar!

To be fair, "wolf28" does look at way too much porn.

I'd have liked to seen the moment where "gwo1973" figured out that the problem wasn't him, it was every single woman on the planet. Wait, I take that back, I wouldn't have wanted to see that because he was probably naked and eating corn niblets directly out of the can.

Nice how "aquiace" spent his Christmas joining a misogyny forum. His mom must not have been able to get that Xbox 360.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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