It will be great on the day after Election Day that we can all get back to tweeting about our kids and exaggerated working conditions.
— Shawn Garrett (@ShawnGarrett) October 18, 2012
My sister is my parents favorite cause she’s pregnant with twins and I’m the least favorite cause I spend my money on chicken stars.
— Tracy Marquez (@tracy_marq) October 22, 2012
"Soft Launch" is an industry term for "excuse to get drunk and DJ tonight."
— Brock Wilbur (@brockwilbur) October 19, 2012
How many times a day do you have to urinate to officially earn the title "Human Pee Machine Who Pees Like It's His/Her Freaking CAREER"? 14?
— Joe Randazzo (@Randazzoj) October 11, 2012
Neither candidate addressed the fact that we have a Hulk
— Andy Levy (@andylevy) October 23, 2012
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
Join the SA Forum photoshop goons in their quest to make horror wholesome!
Yes, there are finally enough games for a new round of One Sentence Reviews
Everything worth reading from Twitter in one handy, horrible place!
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