eighteenspikes is here in death's dream kingdom.

Madness will do anything for love but he won't do that.

Mister Clancy needs Threepio to stop the trash compactor!!!

Moony thanks you for your business with Bank Of America and would like you to complete a brief survey.

Mr Wiggles believes this foreign planet may yet support life.

Part Of Everything every now and then gets a little bit lonely cause you're never coming 'round.

Pipkin is having a crisis of identity.

Quiet Longing is down with hyphy culture.

Ryborg has been drained by all this twittering.

secondyear will rock you like a hurricane.

Shai Hulud would like to friend you on mySpace.

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    Pardon Our Dust

    Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.



    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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The Comedy Goldmine examines the funniest and most creative threads from the Something Awful Forums. Although the Comedy Goldmine has changed authors many times over the years, its focus on the Something Awful Forums is still the same. Includes hilarious Photoshops, amusing work stories, parodies, and other types of oddball humor.

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