Embracing Mystery

"Hey everybody, hey! Look at me, I'm magical! I've got all sorts of wild spirit shit going on up in my body! You know dragons? Yeah, I'm a dragon spirit! And also Dracula!" The big mystery is: Who would embrace these people?

It's too bad you can't contain restless souls inside inhalers because then "DoomSwell" would have just one handy thing to carry around.

Our hero here passes out every time they try to physically shift. Take note because this is an indicator that you're way too damn fat.

You are all completely loony.

Let's just all agree that nobody really knows what they're talking about and all of this is pointless.

Now Mr. Coffey, I know these feelings have been brewing for a long time but they aren't grounds to get all heated over.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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