~*~ Serious Hardware / Software Crap ~*~

Bleep bloop! Let's make IT achievements/trophies.

Canadian internet access gets shittier

Google Chrome - Extensions are go!

Overclocking Megathread 2.0 : The old ones mosfets blew.

The Cisco Short Questions Thread v12.4.9(WTF)

post ron howard and the yosposest timgs u got

~*~ Debate & Discussion ~*~

Is there any logical reason to oppose gay marriage?

George W. Bush: Yeah, Dick Cheney is Goddamned Nuts. The TV IV Thread. Now.

It Begins, the Republican attempt to destroy the country

Tax cuts depress the economy: the income incentive effect

Abstinence-only education

Olbermann suspended indefinitely for making campaign donations

~*~ The TV IV ~*~

The Walking Dead SPOILER Thread

Simpsons 22nd Season Megathread: Me get canceled? That's unpossible!

Stop remembering TV and get back to work! The Simpsons Bad.. Quote... Thing

Futurama Hiatus - "Now we're boned!"

Mad Men: "In my heart I knew it was an impulse; what I needed to do to move forward."

Doctor Who: All that matters is my new Evil Inflatable Chair!

– Jon "@fart" Hendren (@fart)

More Forum Friday's Monday

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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