Last week, on a day seemingly like any other, forums member Landerig received a shipment of power cords, each affixed with a sticker reading "Please insert furiously." Dutifully following this instruction, Landerig inserted with extreme prejudice, until his prongs had impaled every socket and orifice within a several block radius. Landerig then attached the sticker to a deadly weapon, but instead of continuing his furious insertion rampage, he posted a picture of his handiwork in the spirit of whimsy, and urged the SA Forum Goons to do the same.

Looking good, Landerig. I assumed you were handy. You introduced yourself as handy.

Schweinhund isn't afraid of a guy with a blade.

Any fool with a dick can make a baby, but only Yabanjin could create this image.

Check out the big brain on Lie Bot!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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