I think by dictionary he meant common sense amongst rational people.

Please let there be adverse side effects to this.

Yep, that's me, subtly smelling my crotch in the checkout line at Walmart.

Sweet pad bro. I'm totally diggin' the animal skulls and dog shit scattered around your computer desk.

Special thanks to forums fursuit tailors Liquid Penguins, TelevisedInsanity, mR sPoon, Blackclaw, Rd Rash 1000cc, Generation Internet, Wyzt, Scudworth, TigerMoJo, Wampa Stompa, Red Harvest, Chiquita Manana, Gustavio, Night Gaunt, Caligasti, margaret, Fuoco, Dorkis Malorkis, ComposerGuy, and Kal for their hard work in image contribution and public yiffing. Feel free to send me an email with any ideas you may have for future Weekend Webs.

– Chris "Kewpuh" Binkley

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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