A president who fart in he own mouth. A shameful president.

I wonder what this guy's Twitter page looks like.

That is the best disclaimer ever. It's there for the off-chance that someone might post something positive about black people.

Hehe, that would be so funny. And we could throw watermelon and fried chicken and get shot by the secret service. Now that's a party.

You don't know how great this president is going to be. Now if someone challenges our country to a game of basketball, we got a president who's got game. Kobe!

I'm annoyed to see so many people arguing about the will of the majority. Don't like Jim Crow laws? Then leave the country! Out the back entrance, of course.

Your children vehemently resist helping others and bettering their community. Congrats.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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