Zack: Steve, I think we've covered a lot of ground with this Christmas installment of WTF, D&D!? Lots of dorky mechs and we didn't even get into the horribly lame Land Air Mechs that were ripped directly out of Robotech, made no sense in Battletech, and were basically jet fighters with legs and arms dangling off the bottom. There was lots of great stuff though.

Steve: Lots of great comedic references to Periphery planets.

Zack: Lots of discussion of sexually assaulting babies.

Steve: We raise the bar every time. We just keep getting better.

Zack: Your sick mind is the only thing holding us back from covering FATAL.

Steve: Isn't that the Internet RPG with statistics like " vaginal depth?"

Zack: Yeah, Ostdiameter too. FATAL is the most realistic game ever made about measuring orifices.

Steve: I never want to review that.

Zack: Steve...

Steve: What?

Zack: Today is opposites day.

Steve: Noooooooooo!

– Zack Parsons and Steve "Malak" Sumner (@sexyfacts4u)

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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