A comparison of the three major search engines using popular columns and features from Something Awful.
Searching for "Second Life Safari":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Your Band Sucks":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Weekend Web":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #2 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "ROM Pit":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Comedy Goldmine":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Video Game Article":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Jeff K":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "General Bullshit":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Awful Link of the Day":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Fashion SWAT":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Leonard Crabs":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "The Horrors of Pornography":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: No top results for Something Awful.
Searching for "Photoshop Phriday":
Microsoft Live results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Yahoo results: Something Awful is the #1 result.
Google results: Something Awful is the #29 result (YAY WE FINALLY SHOWED UP!!!).
Draw your own conclusions!
Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.
Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
Join the SA Forum photoshop goons in their quest to make horror wholesome!
Yes, there are finally enough games for a new round of One Sentence Reviews
The Hogosphere contains worthless ramblings from Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka. Crap that he's too lazy to make funny for the front page. Because he's lazy. And unfunny.
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