Super Bowl XLII took place this past Sunday, and apparently the New York Gigantors won with the most slam dunks. With that said, I asked the Something Awful Forum Goons to share their favorite moments from the game, and they did. Unfortunately, they made all their favorite moments up. Please forgive this horrible blunder and enjoy!

Hit up, start, down, left, a, b, c, x, y, z, up, left, down to unlock a secret pixel in this Darth Brooks image.

Get a load of this Darth Brooks image! Who is he kidding?

Hackuma has more fancy in his bones than most people have in their whole bodies.

jupasfry's Gorgon gambits are likely to backfire on him.

partagas150 has suspended his campaign for President of my Heart.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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Photoshop Phriday showcases the tremendous image manipulation talents of the Something Awful Forum Goons. Each week they tackle a new theme, parodying movies, video games, comics, history, and anything else you can think of. If you want in on the action, join us on the Something Awful Forums!

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