1. The Voice Of The Internet 2 - Gay Atheist

    The Voice Of The Internet 2 - Gay Atheist

    We take actual conversations held over voice-chat and animate them. When the internet speaks, it says stupid stuff.

  2. The Voice Of The Internet 3: Jersey

    The Voice Of The Internet 3: Jersey

    The voice of internet looks at a bigger group of idiots! One guy from New Jersey can barely open his mouth without saying something profoundly dumb.

  3. The Voice Of The Internet 4: Laffs

    The Voice Of The Internet 4: Laffs

    Boy some people on the internet can write some pretty stupid stuff, but ever wonder what would happen if you let them speak OUT LOUD? This happens! In the 4th edition of "The Voice Of The Internet!"

  4. The Voice Of The Internet 5: Bragging Rights

    The Voice Of The Internet 5: Bragging Rights

    In the latest installment of Voice Of The Internet we learn that some mic fighters travel in packs, and sometimes they attack other groups. They take pride in insulting people over the internet.

  5. The Voice Of The Internet 6: ADULT CHAT

    The Voice Of The Internet 6: ADULT CHAT

    The Voice Of The Internet takes a look at Adult chat rooms. Real people talk about Tomatoes as ANAL SEX plays in the background.

  6. The Voice Of The Internet:  I Saw A Dog

    The Voice Of The Internet: I Saw A Dog

    I saw a dog. The dog looked at me!

  7. The Voice Of The Internet- Death Threat

    The Voice Of The Internet- Death Threat

    Someone makes a 911 call in a chat-room and insists on it being recorded! Woo.

  8. Voice Of The Internet: Apple Girl

    Voice Of The Internet: Apple Girl

    Tap into the white house, threaten pranksters.

  9. Voice Of The Internet: PUSSY

    Voice Of The Internet: PUSSY

    Find out why grandma says "it's the pits!" FEATURES PARM.

  10. The Voice Of The Internet: KIDS!

    The Voice Of The Internet: KIDS!

    That Computer had a kid! Now his kid messes around with people in live chats. Starring Lauren Kyanka as Li'l Fortran!

  11. The Voice Of The Internet: Xbox Live Jerk

    The Voice Of The Internet: Xbox Live Jerk

    Some jerk on Xbox Live is mad about the gun you're using. Whateverrrrrrr

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