
*raises paw*

I think I'm going to throw up.

This is the only reason people have kids!

Here is a guy who watches Law and Order: SVU and jerks off.

It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy... It's just fantasy...

Okay I've had enough.

Special thanks to my FYAD friends Highspeeddub, Closeknees, Kewpuh, Kid Knee Bean, Loutre, Hrkac, Happy Bear Suit, myname_isdoug, GBS REPRESENTATIVE, no face, Marduk, dutchbstrd, Og Oggilby, AnInsomniac, PaganGuru, puffery, nude_action_man, theflosquito, Shii, poopdog, Smoking_Dragoon, lavaguana, 22bond, Setzer Gabbiani, Sturmtiger IV, Page 21, Senator Ivy, and Firstdate-2 for contributing to this report.

Do you know of an awful forum that should be included in a future update? Send in a link!

– Zachary "Spokker Jones" Gutierrez

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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