There are so many things wrong with this post.

"Drewford T. Justice" is as helpful as ever.

This is why your fucking systems overheat, people!


Stop the internet! I want to get off!


I heard EverQuest accounts go for a lot of AMERICAN DOLLARS.

And finally, imagine you are a member of some internet forum, and you see this guy's sig in every fucking thread he posts in.

As you can see video games have turned our children into huge fucking morons. There is still hope. Write to the video game companies and urge them to stop making games, for humanity's sake. For Weekend Web, this is Spokker Jones reporting.

Special thanks goes to my FYAD friends smacktard, Invader Tim, schmitty9800, duffey, steveg103, -Ehter-, eloH, Axilla II, raruler, uniball, tasertag, SharpenedSpoon, vrunt, monocular, Creeper, drugejr, onimonkii, jigokuman, jar_of_scabs, mwells_cubed, justin, nimper, Phil Connors, Ol' Limber Legs, Evil Dr. Reef, Myrddin Emrys, Avatar, shut, Doh-Doh, meek, Faid, Psychosis, Pizza Fagat, Shaner, Spacebound, and Lowtax for contributing to this feature.

Do you know of an awful forum that should be included in a future update? Send in a link!

– Zachary "Spokker Jones" Gutierrez

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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