Oh no, they're trying to make Bambi 2 even sadder than the first one.

, indeed.

Just be sure you don't get shorted!

Too good to go around town telling everyone you have no testicles, eh?

Someone's not wearing their glasses.

That's all I can take for this week. I'm going to go hold my balls and lay down. Thanks (I think) to my forum friends who went out of their way to help archive these posts for all time: The Admiral, Sombrerotron, Turgid Phalanx, gurnt, Xtal, Johnny Ringo, DollyPancake, Smacklug, Googoogajoob, Downpour, Machado de Assis, Phreeky Phoenician, WorkinClassZero, hello internet, viridius, puffery, CaptainWinky, citizen slang, Forzan, Puma Man, Gathers, Genghis The Gerbil, kazoogirl, and Lame Thrower.

Know of a terrible forum that should be featured in a future Weekend Web? Please send me a link!

– Johnny "Doc Evil" Titanium (@fart)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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