Weather Wars, submitted by Parahexavoctal. And now Something Awful’s daily weather report. It seems that the CIA and the Yakuza are at it again, using electromagnetic waves and chemtrails to create tropical storms. Today’s forecast calls for a 100% chance of wacky conspiracy theories and blurry satellite photos.
Spotting activity in clouds is but one aspect of this global war. Evidence can be gleaned from satellite imagery; weather service doppler radars frequently give up these scalar secrets too. Contrails and chemtrails, without question, are a big part of this game. There must be aspects as yet unknown; that some curious mind will share with us as this war game develops further and as more eyes are opened and see. It must be understood by all that the entirety of this planet's atmospheric weather processes are now controlled. All of it, completely 24/7/365!
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update.
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