The Cuss Control Academy, submitted by me. I'm all for telling other people how they should and shouldn't express themselves, but these guys should really shut up. The Cuss Control Academy does not approve of your use of bad language, and feels the only way to save you from yourself is to sell you books and $2,500 speaking engagements. Why should you stop cussing so gosh darn much?

You really don't win an argument by swearing. You don't prove that you are smart or articulate. You don't earn respect or admiration.

They've obviously never seen my old high school's Tourrette's Debate Team in action. Not since the Kennedy-Nixon debate had a discussion of tax reform included so many instances of the word "cunt".

– Corin Tucker's Stalker (@DennisFarrell)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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