EPS posted:

You were going too slow. You must spin the portal very quickly to activate it!

Green liquid ejecting from oral cavity.

ZeroX4 posted:

Quick! Drink the green fluids! You cannot lose any.

Green liquid consumed.

ZeroX4 posted:

Use the black object to try and break a window to enter the building.

I have projected the brief case through another portal. I am going inside.

I have entered Microsoft. Awaiting orders.

Simon Draskovic posted:

Offer the foliage to the female at 'reception'. This will ingratiate her to you, and you will gain her as an unwitting ally in the war against the humans.

The human is instructing me to replace the foliage.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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The Comedy Goldmine examines the funniest and most creative threads from the Something Awful Forums. Although the Comedy Goldmine has changed authors many times over the years, its focus on the Something Awful Forums is still the same. Includes hilarious Photoshops, amusing work stories, parodies, and other types of oddball humor.

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