Chapter Three - We Need to Blow Up Every Filthy Towel-Head
The terrorists have tried once too often to take our freedom away, because they hate freedom. I know it's a difficult concept to understand because freedom seems like such a good thing, but you only enjoy freedom because you are an American. If you're not an American then you can't understand how good freedom is so you might as well stop reading now or try to become a citizen of America.
Did you know that Saddam Hussein once had a hundred women shot for not wearing the appropriate color of socks? He's as bad as Hitler, no, he's worse! At least Hitler did some good things for Germany like turning the economy around and kicking France's faggot ass. Saddam Hussein would never kick France's ass, he's too busy buying weapons of mass destruction from the French and using them to kill his own citizens by the thousands. Saddam Hussein is a Triple Hitler at the very least, possibly as bad as a Quadruple Hitler.
Meanwhile you've got Senate Democrats like Tom Dopeschel and Dick Blackhardt telling people that the Iraqi people need hugs and food and not bombs? What is that crap? The whole of the Middle East needs to be turned into a plane of glass with nuclear weapons, we can build some big underground bunker for the Jews in Israel so they don't die from the fallout. The Jews sort of understand what freedom is about, they don't love it, well unless they're Americans, but they know how bad not having freedom can be.
In summary we need to stop letting the UN hold us back with their namby-pamby sissy work and turn these backwards hateful countries into a series of craters.
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