Hellchick - no, sorry, why?
[DnD]0 - what about with polycount ?
Hellchick - that's a special case, but we don't do that for anyone else.
[DnD]0 - what about for planetquake3.net >?
Hellchick - No, the planetquake name is only for planetquake.com . Sorry.
[DnD]0 - well, i wanna buy planetquake today right now
Hellchick - Well, sorry, we can't help you out.
[DnD]0 - well, can i get a job at planetquake?
Hellchick - We're not looking for anyone right now, I'm sorry. All our positions are filled.
[DnD]0 - you on a t3?
Hellchick - T1, why?
[DnD]0 - gamespy pay for it...?
Hellchick - I'm at work, it's at GameSpy. I dont have a connection at home right now.
[DnD]0 - oh... does gamespy own captured.com ?
Hellchick - Yep
[DnD]0 - oh... do you get over 20,000 hits a day?
Hellchick - We get much more than that.
[DnD]0 - so i can't get my planet site hosted?
Hellchick - not planetquake.net, nope. If you changed the URL and had a quake-related site, then we would consider it. But not with the planetquake.net url.
[DnD]0 - ok, but like PLANETAFRO.com
Hellchick - those are not hosted sites. We own the planet domain names and run them ourselves.
[DnD]0 - well, is it illegal to own planetAFRO.com ?
Hellchick - I have no idea. You have to ask our legal dept.
[DnD]0 - ok whats the phone#
Hellchick - send email to darren@gamespy.com
[DnD]0 - this your phone (714)549-7689
Hellchick - yup
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Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind
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