Continuing our theme of mistaken identity, when I initially saw I Hate Men I was expecting the finest in man bashing from the angriest women on the planet. Instead what I discovered was the same six posters circlejerking their way to Internet stardom. It's like the Something Awful Forums, but on a much smaller scale.

This post has more twists and turns than Space Mountain!

I Hate Men? More like I hate women!

I was seriously looking forward to the nonstop men bashing but this is just as good.

Damn, men really don't like being turned down. "Hey do you want to go out sometime?" "Well, uhm, let me see if I'm free this wee-" "FUCK YOU CUNT YOU THINK YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR ME FUCK YOU BITCH DIE ASSHOLE APE WOMAN MONKEY BITCH!"

Another satisfied customer!

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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