Levi and Don Jr convince Eric the movie Annabelle is real and make him drink his own urine. Plus Tiffany Trump is downgraded to the Trump plane's cargo hold.
Hillary clinton called me a deplorable which is a bad thing so I made a new frog man.
I was betrayed by the bernio bros, the cougars, and this guy from back page I hired to keep me from jumping out a window at the DNC.
The good news is the republican convention is over. The bad news is if I can escape this police car how do I anull a marriage??
Levi covers the end to the Sanders campaign and Bobby Brown's claims he had sex with a ghost.
Levi Johnston heads down to Las Vegas and ends up causing a little trouble at the Democratic delegate convention.
I don't know what to write in here because basically I am back from the dead like Laserious hooray here I am to talk about this stupid election.
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