Worlwide Webulike Ltd., submitted by Alex. I still see this web site when I close my eyes. I wish, oh how I wish that were a joke. I don't know about you folks, but the Worldwide Webilike is not bright red on a bright blue background. From a marketing standpoint I can see how it is important that your site gets noticed, especially when a blind grade-schooler with a text reader and Front Page has your design skills, but burning it into someone's retinas is not the best way to get your pitch across.

We provide internet associated services, To Busines and Domestic Users[Zack's Note: This text scrolls back and forth across the top of each page, requiring a good deal of patience and ocular fortitude to read.]

In a hilarious twist of fate, Worldwide Webulike Ltd. actually manages to "own" themselves, with their informative "Why use us?" page. I have never hated spiders and globes more than I do at this moment. Once again selecting an Awful Link of the Day for you has left me a shattered husk of a man, that and the tear gas the police keep using to try and get me to come out of the back bedroom. EAT LEAD COPPERS!

– Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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