WaffleZombie is scientifically formulated to replace more of what you lose when you sweat.

xadawgx finds that the captain is, in fact, quite in.

WalnutCrunch bought his home after it was advertised in Passions.

I know you're all thinking it, so I'll go ahead and say it. ShadowTheRat sucks. I'm so, so sorry, but it's true.

NotJust4Breakfast shows that not all of the advertising in Passions was bad, some was actually for a good cause.

And so it was written. Thanks to all of you fine folks for reading this, and thanks to our friends, the Something Awful Forum Goons for making all these images for us. Those guys are always super. Please join us next week when Photoshop prehistoric rap album covers.

– Josh "Livestock" Boruff (@Livestock)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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Photoshop Phriday showcases the tremendous image manipulation talents of the Something Awful Forum Goons. Each week they tackle a new theme, parodying movies, video games, comics, history, and anything else you can think of. If you want in on the action, join us on the Something Awful Forums!

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