Letters to the Devil is a different kind of goth forum. They are a higher class of Satan worshipers. I don't know what they're talking about because it just looks like another crappy goth forum to me. You be the judge.

You know tigerspirit, if you were a functioning member of society with a job you could probably just buy those books outright. Of course, with a job and responsibilities your thirst for Satanist literature might mysteriously dry up.

Stop attention whoring!

That's a lot of words just to say, "I'm a douche."

If you want to be a Satanist all you have to do is become a pretentious jackass and dress in black and slick back your hair.

Not even the elitist goth forum is immune to drama.

How the hell did this guy get a computer in Indonesia?

I'm networking like a pro now! Hail Satan!

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