Eunuch Archive

A friendly bunch of guys that aren't so keen on the whole "having a penis and testicles" arrangement. Many of them go to great lengths to get rid of their business down there, including surgery, injecting crap into them, and even squeezing them really, really hard.

I am eagerly anticipating the follow-up story where "dean" gets arrested.

Brevity is the soul of WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU??

This Internet space is rather valuable! Propose to your girlfriend or wish Grandma a happy birthday! Email me for rates!

Oh baby, there's nothing quite as hot as a penis that looks like that curly staff Warwick Davis was carrying around in Willow.

"gay2neuter" has a history of bad ideas.

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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