Zack: I think that woman with the sign just went ahead and stuffed the whole camel down the front of her pants.

Steve: Dude this game is really terrible. I mean, that wasn't even an adventure. What was that?

Zack: I tried to introduce a little realism. The adventures in this game are basically rolls on a random encounter chart. You could come up with great adventure seeds like this:

Steve: Dang it, I could have been a maid in space instead of some lousy bunker?

Zack: We can't choose the maid we are born to be.

Steve: So what's so bad about this game? Other than the weird flirty stuff it just seems like a lame anime RPG.

Zack: Yeah, I guess, but there is this one thing about the characters in the book...

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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