This article is part of the SkyMall Product Reviews series.

Customer Review:
By Jeff from Cooter's Bog, KY

Absolutely terrible. Product description fails to mention how many dogs it can hold at once. Bought it to see and it turns out you can barely stuff two in there. And there's no hole in the bottom so they make a really big mess.

Age: 26-30


Customer Review:
By SkyLover

Love it, but would love it more if they added a hole to the seat so I didn't have to clean up any messes after extended stays inside. It's a bit hard to get in and out of and it's not like I'm going to diap up for something like this.

Age: 51-55

Customer Review:
By Rick from Lincoln, NE

Like the guy above said, there's no hole in the bottom so take a bucket in with you. I recommend the Ice Bucket with Lid (item Frontage 37402). It looks great and has a lid. The advantage of the bucket is you've got your business collected in one nice area and can dispose of it whenever you want, at your own pace. Just remember to remove the bucket before you fold the sauna up. I forgot once and had an awful mess to clean up.

Age: 46-50


Customer Review:
By Plumpster from Macon, GA

I am a man of substantial size and had an unfortunate experience with this product. After squeezing in, I found myself trapped inside the Personal Infrared Sauna's small interior. I was unable to free myself or call for help for several weeks. It was not very comfortable, and the lack of a hole in the bottom meant my waste materials began piling up. The fact I ate a large meal before getting in didn't help matters. After several days of yelling for help to no avail, I began rocking back and forth frantically. The sudden and dramatic expenditure of energy took its toll on me, and I did vomit on myself. Thankfully the folds of fat around my neck created an airtight seal around the head opening of the sauna, and the vomit did not trickle down inside. Knowing I could be in for a long ordeal, I was able to slurp most of it back up, giving myself extra energy to keep trying. Eventually I was able to tip the whole unit over, with myself inside. But I was still stuck.

The intense buildup of pressure inside and the violent motion of the sauna tipping over caused the seal my neck fat created to break. I was treated to a whiff of those gases and odors from down below, and was so overwhelmed I vomited and passed out at the same time. I nearly choked on vomit while I was out cold. I woke up sometime later to discover a faint trickle of sweat and other liquefied excretions oozing out of the head opening and around the contours of my neck fat. Starving, I did what any man in my situation would do: I began focusing my mental energies on rhythmically expanding and retracting all my folds of fat to create a sort of pump system to move this nutrient-poor sludge out of the sauna and into my mouth. It didn't taste good, but it sustained me until the pizza place I keep on retainer came by to check on me. This is one case where being a little overweight saved my life.

This product pushed me to the limits of human survival, but did not perform as advertised.

Age: 46-50


Customer Review:
By Stan from Salt Lake City, UT

no hole in the bottom, don't bother

Age 41-45


Customer Review:
By Dan from Bridgeport, CT

IT MAKES YOU STERILE!!!!! the infrared emitter is bombarding your family jewels with trillions of ions per second!!!

ladies can use it though.

Age: 26-30


Customer Review:
By Matt from Madison, WI

I go through about five personal infrared saunas a year, and this is by far the worst. Can't wait for some company to come along and make a quality infrared sauna that's built to last.

Pros: Folds up to save space when not in use. Cheaper than installing an actual sauna in your house.

Cons: Very difficult to eat inside this thing, no hole in the bottom. Wish they made a unit with camouflage colors to match my yard a little more. I stick out like a sore thumb when I'm out there inside this thing.

Age: 31-35


Customer Review:
By Katheryn from Burlington, MA

Very powerful! My cat climbed in through the neck opening and the infrared rays baked it alive. Wish there was a hole in there so the cat wouldn't have made such a mess doing its business during the cooking process.

Age: 36-40


Customer Review:
By Claus

THIS IS NOT like those famous magician boxes that you can saw and half and your wife will still be fine afterwards. jesus christ.

also, no hole.

Age: 41-45

– Josh "Livestock" Boruff (@Livestock)

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