This article is part of the SkyMall Product Reviews series.

The UpRight Sleeper supports the weight of the head while keeping the neck comfortably aligned and prevents the head from falling forward or sideways during sleep. The attached back strap is positioned between the back and the seat to hold it securely in place.

Customer Review:
By The_Ralph from Rapid City, SD

After a bad bathroom accident (I suffered an impacted bowel that wrecked my pelvis and temporarily dislocated my spine) I have been unable to keep my neck upright. My head just flops down and wobbles awkwardly in circles around my torso. I use this to keep my head on straight and remain sharp and cerebral looking. What's more, if you put on a really large turtleneck, nobody can even tell you're wearing this brace.


Age: 31-35


Customer Review:
By springchicken from Fayetteville, AK

Will this allow me to never sleep? I ran over an gypsy woman and long story short, she was fine. I just ran over her foot. But anyway she put a curse on me and now I have terrible nightmares where I am tortured and killed by the skeletons of America's founding fathers (R.I.P.). I wake up with real bites and scratches. Would love to use this and never sleep again, keeping me safe and putting that gypsy's stupid curse out to pasture.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By TALLDAD from Abilene, TX

I suffered a mild spinal cord injury using the NeckPro Traction Device. Now I am just looking for something that gives me good posture in keeps me looking attractive and professional in my job as a long haul trucker. This device does just that. Falling asleep with this is a breeze. I can't feel my legs or arms anymore but they seem to function just fine. The support bar and straps feel like they are getting tighter and I suffer nosebleeds regularly. I think my sternum is buckling. I recommend this to anyone looking to grab a quick rest without climbing into bed.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By ProudBurnVictim from Wichita, KS

I am a large man so while the chin rest does keep my head upright, it causes my chin and other wayward jowls to bulge out from underneath, forming what some of the more "ethnic" neighborhood children have begun calling "a gross neck butt." While I disagree with them and the way their parents entered this country, I do wish they would make this brace more flattering to the heavy set gentleman. Also I think some of the straps are giving me bed sores and I am losing circulation to my head. But I love it and it lets me drift in and out of consciousness quite easily without having to climb into bed.

Age: 46-50


Customer Review:
By Dash Borph from Jacksonville, FL

I have tried all of SkyMall's complicated head and neckware, and this is by far the least uncomfortable. The main benefit of this product is that there are no extra parts putting pressure on your eyeballs, grinding away at your scalp, or blasting your head with lasers. It's probably the least painful and dangerous of SkyMall's head and neck offerings. On that note I can't help but recommend it. Totally worth it for the probable lack of longterm physical trauma you're experience.

Age: 41-45


Customer Review:
By AspiringHorseBreeder from Fort Wayne, IN

I wore this during jury duty and was perfectly comfortable the entire time, maintaining constant eye contact with the judge from beginning to end. Unfortunately she had me thrown out of court. Regardless, it was the most comfortable miscarriage of justice I have ever been a part of.

Age: 46-50


Customer Review:
By Mavis from Buffalo, NY

Did not function as advertised. I saw no fineprint indicating the Upright is for human use only. It caused severe damage to my dog's neck and as such we had to put him down. I was trying to bring him up to our level, not turn him into mulch.

Age: 36-40


Customer Review:
By Charlene from Omaha, NE

Not idea why, but people constantly ask me if I am OK when I wear this. I am fine. Are you OK? This is so I can sleep anywhere I want. I just wish it came with a full body harness I can wear, preferably with a hole in the bottom for easy defecation, so I can sleep standing up.

Age: 31-35


Customer Review:
By sarah from Chicago, IL

don't try this on babies. baby will get very sad and turn very blue. baby won't wake up.

Age: 16-20

– Josh "Livestock" Boruff (@Livestock)

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