My cat's breath smells like cat food.

The Tails Board

Being a very internet person you've no doubt experienced the myriad of fan sites and fan forums where members effectively stalk the subject of their crazy web sites. There are sites dedicated to such starlets as Emma Watson, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, and OJ Simpson. But one thing I'd never thought I'd see is a forum dedicated to stalking a video game character. The Tails Board is dedicated to Miles "Tails" Prower from the Sonic the Hedgehog games, a series which should have been laid to rest roughly eight years ago. The forum is a little furry, a little creepy, but most of all, it makes me sick to my stomach. And let's be honest, this shit wouldn't have happened a decade ago. Games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man have always had a Japanese anime look to them, but they couldn't fit all that faggotry into those little cartridges. Now with the advent of CDs and DVDs you can fit all that horrible anime nonsense and effectively ruin games we used to love. And when you make something ^_^ KAWAII ^_^, this happens.

I heard that Scott Peterson killed his wife because she said Tails was a horrible addition to Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Well, one, it's a video game character. Two, you're a nut. And three, get a job.

Let's not and say we did.

Just come out and admit you're a furry.

This is the basis for every gay Sonic and Tails gay fan fiction story ever written.

This guy creamed all over his monitor shortly after he posted this.

I can't answer this question. In fact I'm very glad I can't.

I pray that there are more female Tails fans than males.

Hahaha "There's already a thread like this." Hahaha

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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