Zack: Alright, I picked this image and the next two images out because I wanted to demonstrate that as violent as this book is in general, it has a definite fascination with the violent deaths of women.

Steve: Totally unfair. You've posted like three pictures of dudes dying and women are half the population so of course they will die too.

Zack: I'm not judging. I leave that up to the people reading this. I'm just pointing out that fucking Flame Princess might be lamenting because her sisters died horribly.

Steve: Why is she lamenting anyway? Is that ever explained?

Zack: I'll admit to a shallow reading of the material. If I had to guess it's because she is in Finland.

Steve: Right. Can't find a date with a studly RPG gamer.

More WTF, D&D!?

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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