Zack: Well, Steve, you totally blew it on that last one.

Steve: In RPGs there's no such thing as "blowing it" there are only different outcomes. It's like Donnie Darko. Mad world, I find it kind of funny, dreams I'm dying, etc.

Zack: There was a slave revolt on that neogi ship. They didn't have the ability to communicate with you.

Steve: Their loss, my gain.

Zack: You didn't gain anything!

Steve: Peace of mind! And what was that BS astro sphinx. All he did was creep up on us and ask a question and then attack us. That's not cool.

Zack: If you got his riddle right he exploded in a giant chain-lightning that would have realistically killed everyone.

Steve: Yeah, obviously. I got the riddle wrong on purpose. Babies know that riddle. Mirror. So easy. Of course I knew it.

Zack: Well, perhaps you will get a chance to redeem yourself with further adventures of the Turbo Clam.

Steve: That's good because Captain Widowmaker didn't nail a single babe. Unacceptable!

– Zack Parsons and Steve "Malak" Sumner (@sexyfacts4u)

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