~*~ Post Your Favorite ~*~
Reppin': reflir

PYF Pornstar - This is the Digital Age equivalent of the porn fairy sprinkling penthouses and hustlers with rain damage in the forest.

Creepy music! I need suggestions. - Last halloween I'd just gotten a guitar for my birthday and I played so many Devil's tritones in a row that I summoned Satan and well... have you ever seen Tenacious D's 'Tribute'? Heh, yeah, it was a lot like that.

What did YOU just buy - I've never bought anything in my life SCREW CAPITALISM living off the grid is the only way to be.

~*~ Automotive Insanity ~*~
Reppin': RealKyleH

Clarkson Island - This is the greatest thing you'll see today...in the WORLD

Show off Your Automotive Pictures - AI doesn't know what comedy is, but man they make a great picture thread.

2008 California Melee - Vintage cars cruising around California on a budget.

Supercharged NSX - Build up thread of a supercharged 2001 NSX-T.

muh lawn mower dun werk - Forums user Jr. takes a picture of his spark plug.

A Corvair car show - AI members aren't allowed to discuss how all Corvair owners will die in the flaming wreckage of a 1960s engineering nightmare.

Another AI Mortorbiek Adventure Thread - Now with more sport bikes!

1984 Dodge Rampage - Yea I didn't know what the fuck it was either. What's important is that there is a Shelby version.

More Forum Friday's Monday

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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