Lowtax - Oh, neat, I might take you up on that offer later. Do you know how to make text flash and scroll to the right and make 2 meg animated pictures I can put on the page? I want a pic of a guy pumping gas and then the gas goes into a telephone line and the gas grows wings and flies around and goes into this guy's computer and into his car and then I want his car to get this big smile and the guy says "Thanks Gas 4 U Online! You saved my car and my marriage!"

Raver - hmm, might be hard, Im not that good of a artist/

Lowtax - You can use the Photoshop lens filter effect too. AND a motion blur

Raver - I dont have photshop, just Painshop

Lowtax - Oh, you use "Painshop"?

Raver - yeah

Lowtax - Sounds dangerous! You ever wake up with scars and bleeding?

Raver - huh? No!!!

Lowtax - I do! ALmost every day!

Raver - Why?

Lowtax - Probably because all the gasoline we're storing in my apartment. We got barrels and barrels of the shit laying around everywhere. Plus my windows don't want to open all the way, so the fumes just knock me on my ass. I got a memory problem sometimes, I tend to repeat myself and forget stuff.

Raver - cant u find another place to store it?/

Lowtax - Probably because all the gasoline we're storing in my apartment. We got barrels and barrels of the shit laying around everywhere. Plus my windows don't want to open all the way, so the fumes just knock me on my ass. I got a memory problem sometimes, I tend to repeat myself and forget stuff.

Raver - what?

Lowtax - we cant store the shit anywhere else, I cant be seen moving this stuff anywhere else I might have the authorities putting me down, you know?

Raver - fucking cops. ive had enough problems with the police Before.

Lowtax - Fucking cops! They're putting my ass down!

Raver - yeah, they should fuck off. I almost got busted at a Prodigy concert becuase I was drinking vodka.

Lowtax - They had NO RIGHT to bust you!

Raver - no shit, I was just haveing fun!!!

Lowtax - WERD

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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