| Yodelin' Red Packiewicz just got back from Ramblin Man with a wicked scalp tan. I may have accidentally yodeled in agony some. 15 minutes ago. 3 Comments | Rapid City Russ Red, I wanna apologize again for my drunken behavior the other night. In my goddamn state of inebriation, I thought you was signalin me to lean in for a kiss. |  | Cowboy Charlie oh lordy lord |  | Simple Frode Gjertsen who is your stylist perhaps he is friends with mine |
 | June Carson is awaitin a telegraph from that special someone she met at Ramblin Man 35 minutes ago. 0 Comments |
 | Tallahassee Parcy If I see one more nekkid cowboy covered and paint riding his horse all a-circle I'm gonna go on a stampede of killin such that the Mighty Lord Himself will vomit in horror and awe. 1 hour ago. 0 Comments |
 | Tall James McGinley is now listed as lonesome. 2 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | John Red Eagle would like to thank the white man for stealing his land, then using it to host the queerest thing he has ever seen. 2 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | Father Gerald Y'all are behaving like sinners, riding out there in that festival of Sodom. No shame! 3 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | Blackboots McCoy ain't anyone seen Lefty? thought he was gonna be at this shindig. 4 hours ago. 2 Comments | Hoppy Not since he split for Cleveland. |  | Blackboots McCoy dang, where'd he go and get the bread for that kinda travel? |
 | Simple Frode Gjertsen my injun stylist said this was the look all the white man are wearing. sure hurts a lot! 4 hours ago. 1 Comment | Doc Beazarau lol |
 | Tiny Madison IS GODDANGED ANGRY RIGHT NOW. I THOUGHT RAMBLIN MAN WAS IN UTAH? 5 hours ago. 1 Comment | Hoargy Calhoun you danged son of a biscuit, you said you knew where you was leadin us!!! |
 | Hoppy feelin totally at one with the universe right now. Theory: little big horn... inside job? 7 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | Prospectin' Doyle holy jehovah, i can feel colors 7 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | Doc Beazarau hahahaha jim hoyle is on the ground coughing up black stuff 8 hours ago. 2 Comments | Slimy Morgan damnit doc shouldn't you be doing somethin to help him? |  | Doc Beazarau oh yeah
 | Buford Bronson joined the group You Know Yer Horse is Tired of You If... 9 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | Big Henry Haskell only regrets that he didn't wagon train some more bitches. 10 hours ago. 0 Comments
 | Rapid City Russ is mighty confused right now. passed out drunk in the desert and when I woke up someone built a barn around me??? how long was I out for? 12 hours ago. 1 Comment | Mad Bill Boothe the kind of stupid you got is rare and magnificent. |
 | Rutherford Griffith we're having a 16-hour banjo trance session in the relaxation tent if anyone wants to join (bring yer own banjo) 14 hours ago. 1 Comment | Vaquero Esquerra don't start without me!!!
--Vaquero Esquerra |
 | Wenatchee Kid and Cincinnati Pete are no longer listed as pardners. 14 hours ago. 3 Comments | Duke now what??? |  | Wenatchee Kid I ain't gonna talk about it, goddamnit. |  | Cincinnati Pete oh quit yer bellyaching, kid. how was i gonna know you'd be wearing the same dang outfit to ramblin man. |
 | Mad Bill Boothe all the drinks and opium you can handle, and it's all on yours truly. 14 hours ago. 1 Comment | Sooty Stan Wooooo-hooo!! *whips hat against sides* |
 | Gray Clay Bailey is kickin himself with spurs for packin the wrong long johns. 15 hours ago. 0 Comments |
 | The Outlaw Johnny Hunt Shoooot! Can't believe I'm missin Ramblin Man for the first time in a dog's age. I'll have my revenge, you can count on it. 16 hours ago. 1 Comment | Sheriff Pawley You keep runnin that sewer mouth of yers, Johnny. Them bars only open to the gallows. |
 | Bronco Bob just arrived at rambling man. Hoping y'all left your judgment at home. 16 hours ago. 0 Comments |